The Queen’s College Website Project

Brief Overview

The demand for an official school’s website was inescapable with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions. In late August 2020, The Queen’s College Website Project commenced with a small team of students. The original audience was prospective students for the 2020-2021 academic year. Now, the website has been updated for all stakeholders of Queen’s College - students, teachers, parents and others.


Current students and alumni interested in contributing to The Queen’s College Website Project are welcome to do so. To access our repository, email requesting such.

To contribute, working knowledge of Git is mandatory.

Our website is based on the JAMstack architecture. We use Hugo as our static site generator and NetlifyCMS as our Git-based content management system. Using Bootstrap components, we have developed a custom theme.


If you identify a bug or have a suggestion, please open an issue. Depending on the type of issue, add an appropriate label: Bug, Suggestion, Question or Enhancement. Please be detailed and clear, and use technical terms where applicable.


The Queen’s College Website Project is supported by the Queen’s College Old Students’ Association (Guyana).


Website Development